Five prizes of 300 € each will be granted by the Scientific Committee recognising the quality, excellence and originality of oral presentations.

Clúster TIC Galicia Prize
To: Pedro Fernández Arruti Gallego for his work “Low-Cost, Scalable IoT Technology for Real-Time Streaming Network Auditing”. Co-authors: Alejandro Manuel Mosteiro Vázquez, José Carlos Dafonte Vázquez and Francisco Javier Nóvoa Manuel.
Granted by: Fernando Vázquez Núñez, vocal of Clúster TIC Galicia.

Professional Association of Computer Engineering of Galicia Prize
To: Pablo Santos Cabaleiro for his work “Testing and Analysis of Self-Sovereign Decentralized Digital Identity Technology”. Co-authors: Martiño Rivera Dourado and José M. Vázquez Naya.
Granted by: Pilar Vila Avendaño, vocal of Professional Association of Computer Engineering of Galicia.

ITG Prize
To: Noelia Navarro Moreno for her work “Smart Bracelet for Anxiety”, collects in her place, Nadia Nasri. Co-authors: Clara Lebrato Vázquez, Alberto Jesús Molina Cantero, Manuel Merino Monge, Sergio Lafuente Arroyo and Juan Antonio Castro García.
Granted by: Gonzalo Blázquez Gil, R&D Software Engineer of Technological Institute of Galicia.

Aldaba WIB Chair Adward, NTT DATA Chair in Diversity and Technology, R Chair in Cybersecurity and CICAS Chair.
To: Irene González Eiroa for her poster “Assessment of Selective Attention in Children through Digital Teddy: preliminary study”, collects in her place, Adriana Dapena. Co-authors: Francisco J. Vázquez Araujo, Verónica Robles García, Paula M. Castro and Adriana Dapena Janeiro.
Granted by: Mariano Cabrero Canosa, Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science of the University of A Coruña.

The Galician Research Center for ICT Foundation Prize
To: Manuel Lagos Rodríguez, for his work “Assistant Robot for Gait Rehabilitation in People with Disability”. Co-authors: Thais Pousada García and José Antonio Becerra Permuy.
Granted by: Jesús Javier Celemín Santos, Councilor for Education, Historical Memory, Innovation, Industry and Employment of A Coruña City Council.